Purbanchal College


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History of IQAC

There is a separate room for IQAC to conduct its regular activities.The cell is constituted of members from the G.B. and teaching and nonteaching staff with Principal as its chairman. The regular affairs of the cell are looked after by one coordinator from teaching staff.


The IQAC of the college with academic Council chalks out the precise academic plan at the beginning of the implementation of the whole gamut of work to be carried out during the academic session, the Academic council prepares the prospectus along with the Academic Calendar which contains the fixed schedule for the conduct of different activities such as date of admission, working and teaching days, date of form fill up, date of examinations and dates and duration for conduct of various curricular and co-curricular activities.


To make teaching-learning effective, the IQAC has adopted certain steps as stated below:-

• The IQAC keeps a close co-ordination with the Academic Council for the conduct of entire academic activities and maintenance of academic ambience of the college.
• The IQAC organizes meeting of the faculty of the college in the beginning of the session in which all academic matters related to the new session such as-departmental course plan, teaching methods to be adopted, efforts to be made for the motivation of students, timely implementation of activities per academic calendar etc. are discussed and decisions taken . The teaching learning process of the college follows as per the calked out plan.
• The coordinator of the IQAC is also coordinator of the internal Semester Monitoring Committee (ISMC) as per the guideline of the affiliating university. This committee monitors the activities of semester activities viz. Timely conduct of internal assessment marks to the university etc.